Tuan Papa, Television documentary on Indonesian Oral History (Bali, Indonesia)
Interpreting between Indonesian and Dutch for oral history interview team. Interviews focussed on two members of one family with Dutch roots,where interpreter took the role of interviewer whilst learning techniques necessary for oral history interviews.
During the colonial war of 1946-1949 in Indonesia, Dutch soldiers fathered thousands of children with Indonesian girls. Tuan Papa (Sir Daddy) tells the story of war-time love and forgotten children. The 81 minutes documentary, produced by Hellwig Productions in co-production with NTR and VPRO was the highest audience rated VPRO broadcast in 2010. The dvd of Tuan Papa is available in Dutch, English and Indonesian.
For online access to documentary ‘Tuan papa’ and the ‘Making of (Impressies van)’, see: geschiedenis24.nl
- "Oorlogsliefdekind", Hellwig Productions Audiovisuals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- oorlogsliefdekind.nl
- 3 November 2009