Certified translations Italian > Dutch
- certified translations of various official documents including diplomas, birth & marriage certificates
- registered with Amsterdam Court of Justice (Rechtbank Amsterdam), registration number H39348
- registered with Bureau Wbtv;, registration number 16463. Bureau Wbtv is part of the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand (Council for Legal Aid), entrusted by the Dutch Ministry of Safety & Justice with the execution of the 'Wet beëdigde tolken en vertalers, Wbtv (Law on Certified interpreters and translators)
- 2010-2022
La Boule d'or: splendour of a myth from La Chaux-de-Fonds (DVD subtitles)
- proofreading French >English,
- October-November 2016, FRE>ENG, 10,000 words draft version
Journey to the End of Oblivion
- subtitles for interviews with protagonist Marthin Djelau,
- July 2011, NED>ENG: 15,000 words draft version
Mutiara, Legend of a pearl (production report film )
- VilBrekProd, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland,
- April 2010, BAH/FRE>ENG/NED: 4300 words, ENG editing
Exiles (production report film )
- titles for photographs exhibition ‘Aru’ at Museum Maluku, Utrecht (June 2010)
- VilBrekProd, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland,
- February 2010, ENG editing: 6000 words, ENG>NED: 1000 words
Luwi Velleman
- Oorlogsliefdekind, Hellwig Productions Audiovisuals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ,
- Febrary 2010, BAH>NED, 2000 words
Vrucht van Oorlogsliefde
- Original title: Buah Kasih Peperangan
- Oorlogsliefdekind, Hellwig Productions Audiovisuals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ,
- December 2009, BAH>NED, 1900 words
Main text Oorlogsliefdekind website
- Oorlogsliefdekind, Hellwig Productions Audiovisuals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ,
- October 2009, BAH>NED, 11,000 words
EIB Ontwikkeling & Belastingparadijzen
- The European Investment Bank’s role in development & The European Investment Bank and tax havens
- BothEnds, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
- October 2009, ENG>NED, 2475 words
Text Art Catalogue: Juliastuti & Wardani
- Deul Spanjaard Boekproducties, Groningen, The Netherlands ,
- September 2009, BAH>NED, 7000 words
Counter Balance: Een uitdaging voor de Europese Investeringsbank
- Informatiegids van de Europese Investeringsbank (Counter Balance: Challenging the European Investment Bank': Citizens' Guide, Basic facts (Fact sheet I) & Environment (Fact sheet II)
- BothEnds, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
- July 2009, ENG>NED, 21,000 words
- Marcus Sakey - Good people (2009), thriller
- Unieboek, Houten, Netherlands,
- May 2009, ENG>NED, 90,000 words
Missieverklaring Nederlandse Sojacoalitie
- Mission statement Dutch Soy Coalition
- BothEnds, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
- April 2009, ENG>NED, 520 words
Vanen, Pluimen uit het Paradijs
- Vanen, Plumes from Paradise
- film subtitles and bonuses ENG & NED
- film Production Report
- VilBrekProd, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland,
- June/July 2008, FRE/GER>NED: 1350 words, ENG Editing: 8800 words
Zes Graden
- Marc Lynas - Six Degrees (2007)
- raw (‘ghost’) translation of chapter 'Three Degrees'
- May 2008, ENG>NED, 19,000 words
- International Committee of the Red Cross,
- translations on a daily basis of written information from various sources (local and international press, internal documents on conflict in Aceh, Papua (Indonesia)
- April 2000 - October 2002 & September 2006 - March 2007, BAH-ENG
- Subtitles for film production in occasion of Oxfam-Novib pannel discussion on Sustainable Palm Oil in Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Café De Balie, Amsterdam - Oxfam-Novib, Den Haag, The Netherlands ,
- May 2004, BAH>ENG, 1000 words
Cibodas Birdwatchers' Club KPB CIBA, West-Java (Indonesia)
- various articles on birding Indonesia & nature conservation
- KPB CIBA’s magazine “Endemics, Voice for Bird Conservation”
- July 2001 - July 2002, BAH>ENG, ENG editing
Synthesiser Manuals & technical translations
- independent, Bali, Indonesia
- Mar-Sep 1999, ENG>NED, ca. 1000 pages
Sworn Translator at Italian Consulate, Amsterdam
- Licenses, warrants, birth/death-certificates, acts, employment contracts, deeds of purchase, university degrees and other official documents
- validated and notarised by Italian General Consulate, Amsterdam ,
- 1994 - 1995, ITA>NED
Sicilië als metafoor
- Leonardo Sciascia - La Sicilia come metafora (1989), Annotated Translation in order to obtain diploma 'Licentiaat Translator English & Italian'
- Higher Institute for Translators and Interpreters, Antwerpen, Belgium ,
- June 1991; ITA>NED, 160 pages