
Below travel companions, students & colleagues have recommended Godi for various skills over the years: Tour Guide, Dutch Language Teacher & Teacher Trainer (NT2/NVT), Bahasa Indonesia Teacher & Interpreter at ICRC. Thank you all!

Dutch Language (NT2) Teacher Trainer

Frans Corthals, docent NT2 @ TopTaal, december 2024 (via e-mail): Ik heb korte tijd stage mogen lopen bij Godi in zijn rol als docent NT2 bij Toptaal in Hilversum. Godi heeft een hele natuurlijke manier van lesgeven, waarbij hij weinig hulpmiddelen nodig heeft. Door zijn prettige omgang met cursisten (met een goede dosis humor!) en zeer gedegen kennis van de materie, creëert hij een zeer fijne leeromgeving. Het is duidelijk dat hij zeer geliefd is bij zijn cursisten. Als stagiair heb ik vooral op dit vlak veel kunnen leren.

Sare Hasene Eryigit, docent NT2 @ TOPTAAL, September-November 2022 (by email): "Tijdens de tweede periode van mijn docentenopleiding NT2-VU heb ik 10 weken stage gelopen bij Godi. Ik heb alle ruimte gekregen om te experimenteren voor mijn leervragen over spreekvaardigheid en feedback geven. 

Godi is zeer goed in zijn vak en meester in coachen. Hij hielp mij mijn doelen te verhelderen en leerde me na te denken over oplossingen. Hij stemde zijn begeleiding af op mijn leerpunten en gaf gefocust feedback op mijn prestaties. Naast zijn professionele rol is Godi ook een heel fijn en humoristisch mens. Ik heb geleerd hoe ik een klimaat kan creëren waarin taalproductie en interactie gestimuleerd worden. Verder heb ik geleerd om mijn taalgebruik aan te passen op het niveau van de cursisten en een duidelijke instructietaal te gebruiken. Godi laat je niet zitten met dingen die niet goed zijn gegaan, maar hij geeft concrete voorbeelden hoe het anders kan. Samengevat: Hij laat je het zien, zodat je het zelf doorhebt.

Inmiddels heb ik mijn eindexamen voor de docentenopleiding met succes afgerond en ik heb het gevoel dat ik veel beter tegen de dagelijkse praktijk opgewassen ben, dankzij deze leerzame stageperiode."

Jurriaan Pots, docent NT2 @ ROCvA, February 2020 (via LinkedIn): "Tijdens mijn docentenopleiding NT2 heb ik een korte stage gelopen bij Godi in een groep hogeropgeleiden op weg naar niveau B2. Dat was een leerzame periode, en heel gezellig. Godi creëert een ontspannen en coöperatieve sfeer, waarin leren eigenlijk vanzelf gaat. Hij heeft me veel geleerd over structuur geven en helder communiceren tijdens de les. Een heel fijne mentor!"

Dutch Language Teacher (NT2 & NVT)


Nour Alhorany, Android Developer at Marktplaats [LinkedIn, October 2022]: Godi is incredible teacher, He made dutch easy to learn by making us repeat words and sentences and always has his cool methods like tunes for different phrases to make it easier to memorize, a skill I still use, he really cares about his students and he always supportive, I really admire his experience and patient! Hij is een geweldige, aardig docent :) [Toptaal, Dutch course A0-A2, Code+ deel 1-2]

Tolga Kamaci, Electrical and Electronics Engineer, MBA, MSc. Energy Management, Lelystad (Linkedin 23 Dec. 2021): "During he zero to A2 level Dutch course at ROC van Flevoland in Lelystad, Godi's experience in teaching, energetic attitude, and language tips for everyday life made learning a new language fun. In addition, thanks to his advanced competence in using online communication applications (Microsoft Teams, etc.), we were able to continue our lessons even in the Covid pandemic environment. I feel lucky to have a chance to learn Dutch in an entertaining environment with Godi Dijkman.'

Leonid Pevzner, LP-Chemadvies - Chemical consulting, NMR measurements and interpretation, course at ROCvA Hilversum, A2>B1/B2 (LinkedIn, March 23, 2021): "Godi is een van de beste leerkrachten en zeker de beste taalmeester die ik ooit heb gehad. Zijn lessen zijn leuk, uitdagend en motiverend. Daarnaast heeft Godi een zeer brede achtergrondkennis van talen en culturen"

Ieva Masliukaite, Clinical Embryologist, Researcher in Reproductive Medicine, Spokesperson, Marie Curie Actions fellow; (Regarding: 6 months B2 language course at ROC van Amsterdam) (LinkedIn, 3 May 2020): "Godi knows the art of teaching. During the 6 months when he was teaching our class, I jumped from Dutch language level A2 to B2. But what’s more important is that the process of learning was always very enjoyable. What is different in his way of teaching? It is easy to notice Godi is extremely good at communication. He quickly finds a way to access every student based on their personalities and makes sure everyone gets enough attention to target their personal goals. He makes even the most complex material engaging and interesting, often followed by stories and examples and multiple rounds of repetition. And finally, there’s always a pinch of humor to keep the positive and bright atmosphere in the group. This way we keep our motivation and learn faster. I can only thank Godi for teaching us and recommend him to those who are looking for an expert who loves his job."


Emmanouil Foteinos Ioannidis, Visual Designer/Director at StyleShoots & Visual Retailing, VU-NT2, Nederlands voor Werk en Studie level 3 (A2>A2 plus), September-October 2015 (Facebook, 25 October 2015): "Thank you for being an engaging, encouraging, inspiring and most importantly cheerful teacher. A quality combo more rare than a 4 leaf clover! Looking forward to meeting you again." 

Anna Wojtuszkiewicz, PhD Candidate VU Medisch Centrum; VU-NT2 (LinkedIn, Amsterdam, July 2015): "It was a great experience to learn Dutch with Godi Dijkman. Godi is passionate about languages, witty and dedicated. His class is very well organized and at the same time his wonderful sense of humour makes it a lot of fun. He is a very friendly person, who has a lot of interest and understanding for various cultures, making everyone feel welcome in the class. Godi directs his attention to the whole group as well as to individuals. He is able to judge and accommodate to ones abilities very quickly, which makes every person get the best out of the course. I have learned a great deal in his class! Therefore, I would sincerely like to recommend Godi to all who wish to be successful in learning Dutch!"

Dina Lakayan, PhD student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Analytical Science and Technology & student of Dutch as a Second Language (NT2), at VU-NT2, Amsterdam, 24 December 2014: "Godi Dijkman is a brilliant teacher. Since he has a lot of experiences with international students, he is familiar with the errors that second-language learners make in their speech, originated from their first language. Beside, with his multi-linguistic ability, he experienced the fundamental process of learning a foreign language which he is always noting and recommending to his students to fallow. Moreover, he has an incredibly pleasant personality and really flexible and understanding toward his students. He is clever, enthusiastic and creative. Not only I recommend Godi but also I would like to have another chance to learn more from him." (Regarding NT2 language course at VU NT2)

Anton Sokolovskyi, Senior Manager Information Systems & Projects at Vimpel & Student of Dutch as a Second Language (NT2), at VU-NT2, Amsterdam, 28 November, 2014: "What a great pleasure to work with Godi in studying Dutch language! I have always believed that the best way to advance in learning in to have a mix of hard work and fun. This is exactly what I was able to to experience in Godi's class. Godi is best at creating atmosphere that is ideal for learning. My highest recommendations." (Regarding NT2 language course at VU NT2)

Dr. Phil. Ulrich Schröder, Teacher of Dutch as Foreign Language at the Language Centre of Roer University at Bochum, Germany & student of Dutch as a Foreign Language (NVT), during Seminar for NVT teachers at universities abroad, under the auspices of the Taalunicentrum NVT, Brussels (B), 12 October 2011

"From 28 August to 10 September 2011, I took a course led by Godi Dijkman for teachers of Dutch as a Foreign Language (NVT) for NVT teachers at universities abroad, under the auspices of the Taalunicentrum NVT, Brussels (B). Subjects included language usage and vocabulary. During the workshop, I was given extensive and individual advice on how to write academic articles. Both the workshop and his personal advice on writing assignments were of outstanding quality. His detailed comments lead me to change my perspective on teaching Dutch as a Foreign Language and to view my own academic writing in a different light. During the workshop, Godi Dijkman did a wonderful job at getting across details on correct style and 'register'. During lively group discussions, we were taught various techniques on how to expand students' vocabulary. He presented the workshop in a relaxed way by involving the entire group of participants in peer group discussions, and all of this with a great sense of humour. The powerpoint material was sent to all participants by e-mail after the workshop enabling us to further assimilate the information and to use it in our own NVT classes. I had sent in an essay on the novel 'Slaap!' by Belgian author Annelies Verbeke, and Godi Dijkman gave detailed comments, both critical and constructive, on various language issues: word usage, correct vocabulary, style, sentence structure (and length!), spelling and punctuation. Moreover, he gave me very useful comments on how to improve my academic writing skills, something that will no doubt prove very useful for my career and ambitions in this field. I would like to recommend Godi Dijkman unreservedly as an excellent NVT teacher trainer as he succeeded in giving the most helpful coaching and feedback, which motivated not only me but all of the participants of this course to improve their teaching skills at their respective universities abroad."

Elizabeth Parker, Owner, Expat Family Care & student Dutch Language Trainer Staatsexamen I at ROC van Amsterdam, 4 June 2011: "Godi is everyone's favourite teacher! Not only is he just fun to be around, but his passion for teaching and deep understanding of language shine through his enthusiasm and creativity in the classroom. His compassion, patience, flexibility and ability to think outside the box allow him to thrive in a group of students with very different backgrounds and learning styles. While Godi is certainly excellent at teaching information, it is indeed his abilities to facilitate learning within the group and to motivate his students that make him stand out above the rest. I feel very fortunate to have had Godi as a language instructor at ROCVA! Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Creative." (Regarding 6 months B1 NT2 language course at ROC van Amsterdam)

Calvin Theodore Ferns, ASM at Starbucks & student of Dutch (NT2), at ROC van Amsterdam, (Godi's Capacity: NT2 Assessor & Intaker), 31 January 2011: "In my experience with Godi Dijkman, as assessor/intake at the ROC Amsterdam. I am convinced of his efficiency, he is aware of is responsibility and executed it effectively making him an asset. I am sure with these talents he will go a long way. Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity. (Regarding 6 months B1 NT2 language course at ROC van Amsterdam)

Amy Abdou, Independent Business Owner at Amy's Tafel & student of Dutch (NT2) Staatsexamen II at INTT-UvA, University of Amsterdam (Uva), 2003: "Godi is an exceptionally gifted language teacher. He brings a real enthusiasm to the subject matter. He's creative, enthusiastic and patient. Even though I took a course with the other students, I always felt I had personal attention. I highly recommended Godi. Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity" (Regarding 6 months B1 NT2 language course at INTT-UvA)

Bahasa Indonesia Language Trainer

Hermen Ormel, Senior Advisor Public Health, Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights & student Indonesian language course at Instituut Indonesische Cursussen, 1 February, 2011: "Godi is a professional trainer who doesn't teach but facilitates (adult) learning. His skills show his experience, his creativity makes it worthwhile - and fun! Top qualities: Personable, Expert, Creative; Position: hired Godi as a Language teacher in 2010, more than once."

Kitty Awondatu, Bedrijfsleider Heel Europa & student Indonesian language course, at Instituut Indonesische Cursussen, 23 January 2011: "You were a very inspiring teacher. The lessons you gave were challenging and I enjoyed every minute, because of the humor you added. Terima kasih banyak / Thank you very much, it was a wonderful course."

Interpreter at ICRC, Indonesia

Catherine Plumridge, Director and trainer at Humanitrain & delegate ICRC worked directly with Godi (translator Indonesian - English) at ICRC, 2007: "Godi and I worked in the same team, he as an interpreter, me as a delegate. However, in reality he did much more than translate interviews and official documents. His language skills are second to none, in terms of accuracy and his nuanced understanding of English and Indonesian. He was also able to understand what people did not say as well, to see their perspective and to communicate on any level, whether that was with high ranking officials or individual detainees. Godi always went the extra mile to help the team. Unlike some interpreters, he really listened to what was said and made a true translation. He would offer an opinion or prevent gaffes being made to help the delegates. We all relied on his advice and recommendations. Apart from being an excellent team player, he really cared about everyone, whoever they were. I can recommend Godi for his professionalism and dedication to anything that he puts his many talents to. He is charismatic and puts his energy into achieving his goals. He is a first class individual."

Tour Guide at Sawadee, Indonesia

'Uw Zeeuwse Meisje' Riet Vergouwe, Breskens; dwars door Sulawesi met Sawadee, vrijdag 2 augustus 1996 (persoonlijk dagboekfragment): "Godi is echt een apart hoofdstuk. Ik heb al veel gereisd met diverse tourbegeleiders, maar van hem heb ik verwonderd gestaan. Wat een aandacht; voor reizigers, vervoerders en gidsen. Altijd goedgehumeurd, tenminste, wij merkte niet anders. Problemen werden vlot opgelost. En ook zoals hij nu weer ons gedwongen verblijf regelde. Allebei een andere kamer, nu met douche, voor mij een matras erbij. Ook gooide hij de terugreis van de groep om, door ons eerst op te komen halen in Pendolo, want dat wij zelf per openbaar vervoer en onze bagage vast naar Tentena zouden gaan vond hij maar niets. Alle lof van mijn kant!"

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