English Teaching Degree (HvA, Amsterdam 1995)
Below text is an official notification from the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, represented by the Dutch Education Executive Agency (DUO, Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs), issued 8 March 2017, certifying that G.Dijkman has obtained the examination for the qualification as a Secondary School English Teacher (Certificate of Higher Professional Education), in 1995 at HvA (Hogeschool van Amsterdam), Amsterdam - The Netherlands.
Reference: 239673 - Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap
Groningen, 8 March 2017
The 'Getuigschrift Hoger Beroepsonderwijs' (Certificate of Higher Professional Education), issued by the Hogeschool van Amsterdam in Amsterdam, states that Godi Dijkman, date of birth 9 January 1965 in Heerde, has passed the examination for the qualification as a secondary school teacher.
The authenticity of these data is confirmed and in accordance with the National Examinations Register as maintained by the Education Executive Agency.
This certificate fully and officially qualifies G. Dijkman according the Act, to teach at second grade level in the subject English at:
• schools for primary education (caters to children in the age range of 4-12 years);
• schools for pre-university education, the first three years only (caters to children in the age range of 12-15 years)
• schools for secondary general education, the first three years only (caters to children in the age range of 12-15 years);
• schools for pre-vocational secondary education (formerly junior secondary general education and pre-vocational studies), caters to children in the age range of 12-16 years;
• schools for senior secondary vocational education, caters to children in the age range of 16-20 years and schools for adult education. In this sector the competent authorities of the educational institute decide in which subject the teacher may be appointed.
The training leading to this certificate had a nominal course-duration of 4 years and was organized by an accredited institution of higher education.
The course concerned meets the provisions of Directive 2013/55/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 20 November 2013 concerning the recognition of professional qualifications (L354/132).
In general teaching qualifications granted in the Netherlands are not subject to a term of validity, in other words: teaching qualifications are valid fr an undetermined period.
To practice the profession the teacher must possess a statement of professional standing. Furthermore the teacher should not be excluded from teaching by judicial decision. This is however a matter of the competent authorities of the school that wish to employ the teacher.
The Minister of Education, Culture and Science, on behalf of her, (signed) Jeroen Damstra, Credential Recognition and Legalization Officer
The Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (Education Executive Agency) executes various educational acts and regulations by order of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. (stamp) 0620009274